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Reader’s writes

Dear Dr Idiot,

I take a packed lunch to work every day. Unfortunately, knowing that my food is sitting in the bottom drawer of my desk torments me. I start to think about eating it a long time before lunch break and I struggle to resist for long. Subsequently I often finish the whole thing by midmorning. Do you have any advice on how I can resist eating my lunch until a reasonable hour?

Yours guiltily

Tempted Terri

Dr Idiot replies:

Dear Tempted Terri,

You are not alone. We all struggle with the tell-tale packed lunch, calling out to be eaten from our bags or drawers. Officially, any food eaten before midday is counted as brunch, as lunch can only be taken from that time onwards. So perhaps take a packed brunch to work with you as well. Alternatively move to the continent, their clocks are an hour ahead and they spend all day eating anyway.

Yours sincerely

Dr Idiot

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