I always considered my father to be a keen admirer of the British aristocracy, such was the frequency with which we attended stately homes over our school holidays. As I grew older I realised it was not the homes he enjoyed, but the mazes their gardens always housed. Despite the array of palaces, castles, abbeys, and manors we attended each and every visit would follow a similar pattern, as my father would ignore all other attractions to lead my siblings and me into the middle of whatever bushy warren was on offer. Only then to silently and suddenly run off, leaving us to find our way out. Something we surprisingly managed every time. These are fond memories. We would always laugh joyously on discovering our freedom and finding our father on his way back to the car. And how he laughed with us, sometimes to the point of tears.
However, these welcome events were not just distractions during those long school vacations, they actually played an important part in my development. Such that I am now blessed with an inherent ability to retrace my steps, in low light and any weather. I introduce this potentially true story to make a point. If we allow ourselves to consider the central point of the maze as our current situation of unwelcome weight, we must look to see how we got here if we are to find our way out. In these blogs I help you do exactly that, by discussing the influences that made you gain weight in the first place, I include tests to help you decide who you can blame and add a dash of science so that you can become slightly confused about the whole thing.