If you want to re-tune your taste buds, so that you crave and enjoy healthy food, you might have to undo some associations that have been established over the years. Rather than relate those less healthy treats with good times and fun occasions, you will need to learn to connect them with less pleasant moments. Eat ice cream every time you get bad news, have chocolate at every funeral, or candy when you hurt yourself. In time you will begin to associate these foods with feeling down or in pain. Whenever you receive good news, eat some steamed vegetables. Perhaps reward yourself with greens for every piece of cake you try. If you finish all your dessert, have a piece of broccoli. In no time, you will have reprogrammed your taste buds and will be rejecting the ice cream and chocolate sundae for a tantalising bowl of steamed spinach. Alternatively, you may start purposely stubbing your toe for an excuse to open the biscuit jar. Who knows?